From the Leadership

director image

Dear Alumnus,

Greetings from your Alma Mater!
Being an important stakeholder of the Institute, you have a pivotal role to play in shaping its continued growth. The institute considers alumni as the brand ambassadors in connecting it to several spheres with respect and pride to enhance its perception. Your alma mater is always eager to listen about your success stories and remarkable achievements. The Institute proudly celebrates your success and achievements that inspire and motivate future generation students.

On behalf of the Institute, I have the distinct pleasure in extending you a cordial invitation to the campus. I am quite sure with your participation in mentoring, guiding, and supporting to students on the current role to immensely benefit in higher education, internship and placement. I urge your contribution to supporting the Institute for steering its success in R&D endeavors. Our Centre for Alumni Relation led by the Dean (Alumni Affairs) strives towards enhancing a strong alumni interface with the institute. I urge our alumni fraternity to come up with ambitious strategic plans and implementation for the welfare and progress of the entire NIT system creating a PAN-NIT Alumni forum.

We look forward to your strong involvement in contributing towards raising the overall development of the Institute.
Wish you all continued happiness and success!
With regards,
Yours sincerely,

dean image

The alumni network of NITW continues to expand globally, with new chapters being established in various regions. These chapters provide opportunities for alumni to connect with one another, network, and support each other in their personal and professional lives. With the advancement and growth strategy, the Institute is now focussing upon Interdisciplinary Research, Industrial Relations and Internationalization.

The institute seeks your continued support in making NITW-Alumni relations stronger and making the institution take its rightful place among the top technological institutes of the world.

Please feel free to get in touch with us. It would be a pleasure to connect with you.

Alumni News

Silver Jubilee Reunion

1996 Batch - Silver Jubilee Reunion

Silver Jubilee Reunion

1995 Batch - Silver Jubilee Reunion

20 years Reunion

2002 Civil FDH Batch

Stories from our network

Silver Jubilee Reunion

1970 Batch - Silver Jubilee Reunion

Golden Jubilee Reunion

1977 Batch – Golden Jubilee Reunion

Golden Jubilee Reunion

1973 Batch – Golden Jubilee Reunion