‘The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.'   

                                                                                                                         - Albert  Einstein


The technological advancements have transformed libraries from a mere static storehouse of documents to a dynamic powerhouse of information, serving the stakeholders in utilizing useful and need based collection of knowledge resources. To sustain in the knowledge society, the libraries should switch over from the traditional system to digital to provide quick information service and to save the precious time of the users. Over the past few decades, with the changes in library collections, services and demands of users, and also with tremendous impact of the IT based technologies, many innovative services are being introduced by libraries to cope up with the changes. Some remarkably innovative library services introduced by the libraries are:

Ø     Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and Web OPAC.

Ø     Automated issues and return of documents through library software, RFID etc.  

Ø     Online access to full-text electronic resources i.e. databases, books, journals, etc.

Ø     Digital Library Services.

Ø     Web based CAS, Conference announcement, news paper clipping services.

Ø     Digital archiving of journal articles, research report, thesis, project reports and other internal publications through the Institutional repositories.

Ø     Information Services through Mobile technology


In this direction, the NIT-W library now brings the "Annual Research Digest of Ph.D. Theses of NITW -2018-19" and I am sure that this will be very much useful to the Students, Research Scholars and Faculty,not only to know the Doctoral Research work completed in the Institute but also to identify the research problems for their future research work. I strongly believe that this kind of digests will also be useful to avoid duplicate research work.

I congratulate Dr. K. Veeranjaneyulu, Librarian and his team in bringing out such a useful publication for the benefit of our students, research scholars and faculty, and wish many more useful publications from the Library for the benefit of the stakeholders.



Date: 10.07.2020                                                                                                                                            Prof. S. Srinivasa Rao  

                                                                                                                         Advisor to the Director